Checklist for Testing Your Newly Developed Mobile App

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It costs quite a bit to test a mobile app in terms of time and money. However, it's critical to make sure you know that your users will have a positive experience with your app. This is especially true when it comes to a mobile app primarily because testing must be carried out across all devices that the app is made for. Additionally, an app must meet user expectations in terms of speed, responsiveness, and convenience in operation.

checklist to test newely developed mobile apps

Testing is the only way you can have some reassurance of this, and VeztekUSA Los Angeles is an example of a company that only releases apps that are thoroughly tested. Since testing is mandatory and there is no way you can avoid it, here are few testing tips that you can follow in order to make the process easier. Remember, any code that you can't test is considered a failure. So, go ahead and test your app.

Use the Operating System Your App Was Built Run on

This is one of the primary tests that you will run. Your app must perform optimally on the platform for which it has been built. It also should be tested on other platforms to check for compatibility which can help you later depending on how much more you want to expand your app's usage.

Test Your App on Actual Devices

It is good to test your app on the operating systems which it supports, but it is equally important to test it on those operating systems using physical devices.

You can choose to leverage emulators to get an idea of how your app will perform on different operating systems, but the results have no guarantee when it comes to operating tem in a practical environment. This is because emulators don't quite match the operations of actual devices.

Test Your App's UI on Different Screen Sizes

This is among the biggest challenges that you may be confronted with. Being unable to get your app to display right on all sizes of screens can simply mean that a user will delete your app. In order to lower the chances of this happening, developers need to run a cross-test all supported models during which they must check the app's user interface for all screen sizes.

Testing Your App for Proper Operation At Various Internet Speeds

Users are known to experience inhibiting factors such as slow Internet speeds, which makes it a must a test your app for slow Internet speeds. This will enable to you to identify and then optimize your app and therefore, maximize your users.

Test Your App's Operation During Loss Of Internet Connectivity

Internet outage is as common as slow connectivity, and you need to know how your app behaves in the absence of an Internet connection. Your user must not suffer when his or her Internet breaks down.

It's another thing if your app is has LIVE interaction which depends on a constant Internet connection; but the point to emphasize here includes features such as filling forms, which must not cause a loss of data already fed into to a form if a user's Internet connection breaks. Your app must save the data that has been entered, so that when the connection is re-established, your user can carry on with submitting the form.

Optimize Your App for Efficient Battery Use

Users hate it when their battery is drained when they use an app. To them, it's pointless using an app if it inconveniences them in this way. Therefore, you need to optimize your app so that it is light on a user's battery.

App's Performance With Other Basic Features

It's important to make sure your users phones operate as they usually do when calling and messaging even when they have your app operating. Receiving calls and other types of system operations should not face any hassles.

In order to develop an app that is hassle-free, you must go over all the guidelines set forth for your platform. It's when you don't pay attention to these guidelines that you app can end up with certain issues that can be difficult to tackle.

The literature for the operating system and the tools is provided for a very valid reason. Therefore, it's a must to go through it at least once when you want to have a successful mobile app development and launch experience.

Stun Your Customers From the Very Beginning

Based on survey data, 70% or more apps are used just once. This is a clear indication of how high the rejection rate is and also how much you need to do for launching a perfect app. The only way to make sure you launch a perfect app is to make sure everything is tested thoroughly before launching it.

You will only have one chance to make an impression with your app. So don't squander the opportunity by launching an app that is not tested and brought to perfection.

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Sani is Managing Director of VeztekUSA a well known Web and Mobile App Development Company based in Los Angeles, California. He has extensive experience in building and leading innovative and collaborative software development teams to deliver major software applications. He always stay up to date with latest trends in Mobile App Development and loves contributing on different technology Blog. Follow him on twitter @VezTekUSA

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