How Client Testimonials Encourage New Client Engagement

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There are many ways to win over customers and attract new clients. Sometimes the most traditional techniques are the best, which is why old-fashioned client testimonials are the way to go.

Highlighting praise from previous clients does a lot to convince people who might be on the fence to work with you. Testimonials of all forms build trust and strengthen your sales pitch.

People are naturally skeptical, yet look for reasons to be convinced. Strong testimonials do exactly that by showing off what you've been able to accomplish for others.

How Client Testimonials Encourage New Client Engagement Client testimonial are important for new client engagement

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Stating the importance of testimonials isn't just empty talk, either. They've been proven to work time and time again: The first thing that people check these days when hiring an organization and choosing a business is their reputation online.

Word of mouth accounts for somewhere between 20 percent and 50 percent of all purchasing decisions . That's an enormous figure that highlights why testimonials, whether on review sites or your personal page, are so important.

Reach Out To Clients

To harness the power of testimonials, you'll want to reach out to your best clients and ask them to say a few words about you. On a large scale, you can send a marketing email encouraging your customers or clients to share their thoughts or post reviews online.

If you operate on a small, intimate scale, it's best to personally reach out to your best clients. Tell them you're looking for testimonials that will be used on your website and other marketing materials. If you've done great work for them in the past, they should be happy to oblige you.

One important thing to consider is the type of testimonial that would work best to convince potential clients and customers. A simple blurb is better than nothing and can work well, but a video testimonial might work even better.

Although some potential clients won't read all of the testimonials, they'll be able to get a sense of the kind of work the company provided and how it could benefit theirs as well. Consider having an array of testimonials from clients of various industries. This shows your diverse work ethic and flexibility and proves to your potential clients that you are able to adapt to their company standards as well.

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Keep It Real

Fake testimonials are definitely a problem , as are disingenuous online reviews. Sadly, many companies out there offer fake testimonials for a fee, which devalues testimonials across the board. Because of that, you want to ensure that a client's testimonial comes off as genuine and authentic. Otherwise, it feels more like marketing copy than a true recommendation.

To ensure that their testimonials come off well, ask for specific recommendations about the work you've done. It helps to reach out to as many satisfied clients as possible so you can choose the best one.

If you're going the video testimonial route, the last thing you want is a stilted interview that sounds like the sentences are being read from a teleprompter. You can take a DIY approach to video testimonials if you have some basic skills, but you might be better off paying a professional.

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Use Testimonials To Maximum Effect

When you've amassed some excellent testimonials, it's time to decide how to leverage them. It's definitely a good idea to keep some in-depth testimonials at hand so you can send them directly to prospective clients and customers who are interested in acquiring your services.

Also, try to feature the testimonials prominently on your site. By creating a testimonial section in your navigation bar, this will show potential clients exactly where they need visit. You might want to place them after your sales pitch in order to reinforce the quality of your work.

And perhaps consider placing some of your most prestigious achievements at the bottom or in the sidebar of every page . They can also work in other marketing efforts, like email campaigns and social media.

Highlight Your Work

Testimonials are an opportunity for the work you do to speak for itself in the form of a satisfied client or customer. If you said those words yourself, it might come across as bragging. Within a testimonial, similar words are authentic and much more convincing. The effectiveness of testimonials can't be understated when they're utilized correctly.

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Lexie Lu is a designer and blogger. She is always researching trends in the web and graphic design industry. She writes weekly on Design Roast and can be followed on Twitter @lexieludesigner.

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